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Giving in Community: Lessons from the Tracies

RG Alumni Oona Coy talking about her experience becoming part of the Tracies, a team of major donors who have committed to giving at least $10,000 a year for at least three years to RG. During the first year, the group voted on a name and decided to call themselves The Tracies, in honor of one of RG’s founding members and first Executive Director Tracy Hewat (who is also one of the initial founders of the major donor team). 
What’s most profound for me about being a Tracy is feeling connected to a group of people that have committed to supporting RG financially in a long-term and significant way. I have given to RG for many years through my mother’s family foundation and personally at the Tracy’s level. I’ve also given to many non-profits and friends and other projects. But becoming a Tracy was the first time I’ve ever felt connected to the other people giving significant gifts to any organization. This isn’t about having my name put on a plaque or being seated in the front row — this is about real conversations together. Wow, it feels different.

And even if I rarely make the Tracy conference calls or see people in person, I know that they are out there. I know that they probably have the same questions and hopes and wonderings that I do. I know that I could call them up and talk about RG — the path has been cleared for us to connect and collaborate.

Along with this connection to other donors, I feel more connected to the staff at RG through being a Tracy — although I’m geographically removed from the staff and am officially an RG alum. The staff are clearly the soul and energy of the organization and the strategic arm, so I’m glad to support and them and hear from them.

Although it takes time and energy to make calls and read emails, I now hope that other organizations that I support get inspired and have the vision to create a conversation for their significant donors in a transparent way. I believe it would lead to more aware and connected donors like myself, who would in turn commit to funding organizations for the long haul.

If you are interested in finding out about RG’s major donor team, The Tracies, email mike@resourcegeneration.org.

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