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RG Reactions to the Travyon Martin Verdict

Over the coming days and weeks we will be posting reflections on the Trayvon Martin murder, Zimmerman acquittal, and all that it is opening up. They are from members, staff, former staff, RG advocates and allies…a series of posts as they arise; not all representing a sole vision or perspective but many processes that are part of our whole. All the posts will begin with the title “Reflection on the Trayvon moment:…” Be in touch with mike@resourcegeneration.org if  you’d like to contribute.

The Trayvon Martin verdict came out during the last evening of RG’s Transformative Leadership Institute. It was a blessing to be in a space together with 30 of our leaders, and get to grieve, process, rage, and think about action together in this moment. Thank you especially to Ashley Horan and Mario Lugay for holding space for us to feel and to think. Several RG leaders are writing a more in-depth blog post to be shared soon, and as it gets written, we wanted to share some reactions from the RG community, all of which are reposted from facebook:

From Mario Lugay, board member:
I humbly want to offer again that now is a time to be powerful, RG – powerful, in the next few days, in your compassion for those who grieve, who are experiencing this tragedy as profound loss, and to do so by showing up; powerful in engaging your family and friends during this moment of national dialogue, focusing on facilitating empathy for Trayvon, Sabrina and Tracy, and all black parents and children, to later draw that empathy into the desire for something better, into the radical belief that, in fact, we all do better when we all do better; and, powerful in being public, both in your analysis and action, in ways that allow other young people with wealth, for whom what happened yesterday never happens in the world they want to live in, to find RG and be in new community and in movement with you.

From Sarah Abbott, staff:
Outraged and deeply saddened by George Zimmerman’s acquittal. Committed to continued action to end the racist systems that have violently oppressed and killed Black folks for centuries. This is a time to grieve and a time to act.
From Mike Gast, staff:
just got home from long trip with some truly amazing experiences, and a real open heart…and trying to un-numb myself to the sadness and anger and heartbreak that has come with the Trayvon Martin verdict. Like many good white folks before me, it feels scary and confusing to know how or what to do, it feels terrifying to move in any direction. Yet, I know I need to un-numb, pay attention, listen, witness and move. For myself, for my humanity, my integrity and the world i want to live in and i want my kids to live in. I don’t want to live in a world where the killing of a young black boy is disregarded, where communities I care about rise up, and I feel or do nothing. So i re-commit to paying attention, to listening, to reading, to not going numb, not accepting Trayvon’s murder or the verdict quietly, and showing up and speaking out against racism, against injustice, against the mass incarceration of black and brown men and women, and for the humanity of myself, my good (and frozen) white people, and everyone whose life is diminished/threatened/degraded or ended by racism.
I am not travyon martin, when i get stopped by the cops – nothing happens, and i know we all need better than what happened this week and what happens every day to black men (and women) bc of racism. –

From Jessie Spector, staff:
when the world is sick,
can no one be well.
but I dreamt we were all beautiful and strong.
trayvon, and all the millions who are killed – immediately and slowly – by racism and injustice: today i grieve your loss, and have few words. you’re in my heart and mind and soul.

*       *       *       *

We encourage folks to use the RG facebook page or this blog to continue this conversation. More to come soon.

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