Wealth Redistribution in Action

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Planting the Seeds of the World We Envision: Announcing Resource Generation’s Transformative Investing Principles

By: Emily Duma (RG Board Member) and Taij Kumarie Moteelall (Media Sutra) At a Resource Generation National Membership Council meeting in 2018, we found ourselves in the midst of a generative conflict that planted the seeds for our cross-class and cross-race partnership. Council members and staff formed a human barometer in response to the question:…

20 Years of Making Money Make Change
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20 Years of Making Money Make Change

We recently celebrated the 20th Anniversary of our Making Money Make Change conference! Making Money Make Change has been a signature part of Resource Generation’s work since our founding back in 1998. The original conference was a joint vision and collaboration between wealthy young people who wanted to get involved in social justice organizing and…