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Tax Us More: Young Philanthropists and Entrepreneurs Respond to Buffett

This letter to the editor was submitted to the NY Times at the end of last week. Sign on to a longer version of this letter at lettertothefuture.us. The Letter to the Future site will be updated soon with additional sponsors and information.

Warren Buffett’s op-ed, “Stop Coddling the Super-Rich,” struck a chord.  As young philanthropists and entrepreneurs, we too believe our government needs to get “serious about shared sacrifice.”

At a time when many are struggling, we have been fortunate to have more resources than we need.  We believe in giving back to our communities, but no amount of private philanthropy can replace the fundamental role of government to provide basic services for all citizens and lay the foundation for economic growth.

Increasing tax revenue by re-establishing a fair and balanced tax code will have a greater impact on education, health, and the environment than all our business innovations and acts of philanthropy combined.

Our generation will inherit the policies that Congress creates. We want to do our part so that our generation, and successive generations, have the opportunity to be part of a more healthy and equitable society. Tax us more.

Daniel Karpantschof
Co-Founder, Nexus: Global Youth Summit

Annie Lainer Marquit
Member, Wealth for Common Good

Burke Stansbury
Co-Chair, Resource Generation

Matthew Palevsky
Board Member, Threshold Foundation

Karen Pittelman

Maggie Williams
Board Member, Resource Generation

Meg Coward
Trustee, The Jersey Foundation

Alison Goldberg
Coordinator, Wealth for Common Good

Mackenzie Liman
Member, Resource Generation

Farhad Ebrahimi
Founder and Trustee Chair, Chorus Foundation

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