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Our thanks and our thoughts in light of recent events


We at Resource Generation stand proudly in solidarity with all the actions happening this week in the name of climate justice, and extend our gratitude and support to the incredible amount of labor and organizing that has made it possible. Several RG leaders were on the front lines of civil disobedience today at Flood Wall Street, calling to change our current economic system, which is both a cause of and directly profits from the climate crisis and exploitation of indigenous and low income and working class communities. We celebrate the power and unity of the hundreds of thousands of people that are taking action this week!  We carry this energy and urgency forward with all of you in our commitment to end destructive economies that profit from exploiting labor and land and move toward a future of shared wealth, land and power.

Some resources we wanted to share as we move forward!

Regenerative Finance: ReGenerative Finance works as a political project, a model for a just transition, and a regenerative financial organization

Divest/Invest Philanthropy: We are foundations divesting from fossil fuels and switching to clean energy investments, joining college, health, pension funds and religious endowments doing the same. Ethically, our investments shouldn’t contribute to dangerous climate change. Financially, fossil fuel stocks are over-valued as most of their reserves cannot be burned. We can get good, safe returns while helping to build a new energy system.

ecent blog post by RG member Ari Sahagun

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