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Now, more than ever, social justice movements need resources

At Resource Generation, we organize young people with wealth and class privilege in the U.S. to become transformative leaders working towards the equitable distribution of wealth, land, and power. In the coming months and years ahead, social justice organizations across the country will be forced to work beyond capacity to build power and resist the worst of the Trump administration. Our work has never felt more relevant or urgent. Now, more than ever, social justice movements need resources.

With nearly 20 years of experience behind us, hundreds of current members in 15 chapters across the country, and a record increase in interest from young folks with wealth who want to take action, Resource Generation (RG) is in a powerful position to make an impact in this political moment. As a result of getting involved with RG, our members end up giving sixteen times as much money to social justice organizations as they were before they joined.

As part of  our Fall Fundraising campaign, we’re challenging our dues-paying members to match their gift to RG with an equal or larger gift to another social justice organization or project — we call this a ‘Movement Match.’

If you’re already an RG member and you’re ready to match your RG membership to a social justice organization, get started here.
Interested in learning more about becoming a member of RG? Check out membership here.

Movements — and the people that power them — are chronically underfunded, understaffed, and compete for the same small pots of funding. RG members have the ability to influence and connect to resources that most people don’t have access to. When RG members move their money to support organizations essential to movements for racial, social, environmental and economic justice, they demonstrate how young people with wealth can double-down to help support the movement’s immediate and long-term needs. What’s more, the national wealth divide is continuing to grow to historic levels to the detriment of the vast majority of poor, working, and middle-class people who live in the United States, something that will only increase under a Trump administration. We, of the top 5-10 percent, are overdue to move our resources. Participating in the Movement Match is one way young people with wealth can hold ourselves accountable to our values and the work we believe in.

This year, a ton of RG members have already participated in the Movement Match — together, 92 of our members have matched their RG memberships with $532,836! For example, $34,985 is going to LGBTQI social justice projects, $15,150 to Indigenous rights, $67,780 to racial justice and POC-led organizing, $39,430 to social justice funds, and several thousand dollars more have been pledged to economic justice, immigrant justice, healing justice projects, climate change organizations and more.

With nearly 450 dues-paying members, imagine the resources RG’s community could move to social justice organizations if all of our members participated in the Movement Match.

If you’re already an RG member and you’re ready to match your RG membership to a social justice organization, get started here.
If you’re ready to join or renew your membership to RG, get started here.

Check out our Movement Match feed below and connect to other RGers helping to move their resources!


  • Jes matched her RG membership with $1500 towards anti-racist organizing and 3 different frontline community organizations!
  • Colette matched her RG membership with $720 total toward her local tenant coalition and 3 different frontline community organizations in the South.
  • Sparks matched their RG membership with $25k to LGBTQ organizations primarily serving communities of color!
  • Another RG member matched their RG membership with a total of $1250 towards multiple multi-racial, frontline progressive organizations!
  • Greg matched his RG membership with $250 toward an indigenous community’s legal defense funds!
  • Approximately $65K of new gifts were pledged to social justice projects at this year’s Making Money Make Change conference!
  • Mike matched his RG membership with $250 towards a land trust!
  • Eva matched her RG membership with $1200 towards black-led organizing!
  • Danny matched his RG membership towards environmental justice!
  • Anonymous matched their RG membership with $70k towards a huge array of social justice projects!
  • Allison matched her RG membership with $680 towards LGBT communities, and racial and economic equality!
  • Andrea matched her RG membership with $250 towards POC community organizing!
  • Colette matched her RG membership with pledging an additional $760 to multi-issue organizing in the South!
  • Burke matched his RG membership with $5K towards native-led organizing!
  • Anya matched her RG membership with $15K towards an array of social justice projects!
  • Lars matched their RG membership with $7K towards community organizing in the South!
  • Anonymous matched her RG membership with $100 towards POC-led organizing in Appalachia!
  • Anonymous matched their RG membership with $3680 to a social justice fund an $1200 towards POC-led environmental projects!
  • Anonymous matched their RG membership with $300 towards community organizing!
  • Christina matched her RG membership with $250 towards a social justice fund!
  • Anonymous matched their RG membership with $250 towards social justice in Guatemala and LGBTQ organizing in Minnesota!
  • Kendra matched her RG membership towards racial and queer justice organizers and coalitions in New Orleans!
  • Anonymous matched her RG membership with $4600 towards climate justice, racial justice, and indigenous organizing!
  • Carey will match her RG membership with $250 towards social justice projects focused on land!
  • Emily matched her RG membership with $1000 towards a social justice fund!
  • Anonymous matched her RG membership with at minimum $1000 towards gender justice!
  • Anonymous matched their RG membership with $1533 ($4600 over 3 years) towards social justice projects!
  • Adam matched his RG membership with $5K towards a social justice fund and $1K to gender justice!
  • Rachel matched her RG membership with $500 towards economic justice with a focus on labor!
  • Elizabeth matched her RG membership with $500 towards a social justice fund!
  • Zakir matched his RG membership with $1000 toward food sovereignty and racial and economic justice!
  • Eli matched their RG membership with $1000 towards grassroots community organizing!
  • Aimie matched their RG membership with $360 towards organizing of young women of color in Seattle!
  • Raisa matched her RG membership with $350 towards gender justice!
  • Daniel matched his RG membership with $250 towards trans and gender justice via tech!
  • Anonymous matched her RG membership with $250 towards a local social justice fund!
  • Anonymous matched their RG membership with $1000 towards gender justice fund!
  • Dominique matched her RG membership with $250 toward domestic worker organizing!
  • Maryse matched their RG membership with $125 towards a gender justice fund!
  • Robyn matched her RG membership with $250 towards a social justice fund!
  • Eva matched her RG membership with $5o0 towards healing justice!
  • Susan matched her RG membership with $200 towards a community union and an interfaith, multicultural immigrant justice movement!
  • Anonymous matched her RG membership with $8000 to labor organizing and $500 to reproductive rights!
  • Anonymous matched their RG membership with $250 towards local new economy organizing!
  • Mac matched her RG membership with $900 towards queer liberation organizing, black-led organizing, grassroots social justice organizing, and more!
  • Pierce matched their RG membership with $100 sustaining monthly gifts to fourteen different social justice projects!
  • Anonymous matched her RG membership with $1800 towards black-led organizing and indigenous rights!
  • Anonymous matched her RG membership with $350 to LGBTQ safety and justice and $100 towards indigenous rights!
  • Anonymous matched her RG membership with $54k towards various racial, criminal, economic, and climate justice organizations and indigenous sovereignty!
  • Emily matched her RG membership with $1200 to a social justice fund, $750 to a neighborhood association, $250 to individuals, and a number of $25-50 gifts to movement organizing.  She pledges to move an additional $250 to indigenous justice!
  • Zeph matched their RG membership with $31K towards a foundation for LGBTQI, racial, economic, social, and gender justice, queer and racial justice organizing and embodied transformation!


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