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July 2021 Organizational Slow Down

It’s a time of transition! Iimay Ho, Executive Director, and Kaitlin Gravitt, Organizing Director will be leaving the RG staff after 7 years of tenure on June 30. Faisal Alam, Deputy Director, will be moving into the Interim Executive Director role as we finalize the search for the next permanent Executive Director, and we are actively hiring for our new Director of Organizing

Adam Roberts, Resource Mobilization Director, is taking parental leave this summer and will return at the beginning of October. Beck Jones, Southern Regional Organizer, is also leaving staff July 15 and we will be welcoming our new Southern Regional Organizer on July 6. 

We wish everyone well and are grateful for the immense contributions of departing staff. We prioritize having generous leave policies for the sustainability of our team and are sending Adam lots of love as he welcomes a new member of his family. 

Given all of the staff transitions we’re going through, our multiracial, cross-class staff team has collectively decided that July will be a month of organizational slow down, when we will prioritize hiring and on-boarding new staff and deprioritize external facing work.  

This means: 

  • The Operations team will be taking the week of July 5th off and in general we are encouraging staff to take time off in July. 
  • Chapter organizers will not be sending out weekly emails to chapter listservs and will be attending fewer chapter meetings. 
  • We will not be hosting RG 101 in July. 
  • We will not be posting on social media. 
  • In general we will be slower to respond to external inquiries, and we ask for your patience during this time. 

Our intention with this time is to center our internal work so that we are set up well for the fall, when we will be welcoming the new Executive Director and Director of Organizing and also launching our fall programming (including virtual Making Money Make Change). 

Meanwhile, check out some resources here and on our website about how to give to RG, how to give to our campaign partners, commonly used resources, and more.

Thank you for your support!


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