
  • Land and Wealth: how all wealth is ultimately tied to land
  • Land Justice Guide: tools, templates, and resources for doing land returns along with a list of Black, Indigenous and People of Color Land projects and organizations to support
  • Land Reparations and Indigenous Solidarity Toolkit: case studies and educational resources for non-Native communities on being in solidarity with Indigenous organizing
  • RG’s Indigenous Land Tax policy: information about RG’s organizational land tax policy values with suggestions for individuals and other organizations to adopt the practice
  • Covid and Capitalism: panel discussion on some of the class impacts of the pandemic
  • Class Privilege and Activism training on how class privilege can show up in movements for social change and how to build stronger cross-class relationships
  • Resisting State Oppression: training on how state repression targets working-class and Black, Indigenous and people of color-led movements
  • Shadow Money: webinar on how the right funds their movement infrastructure, how to exploit their weaknesses and learn from their successes 
  • TIPS launch: Transformative Investing Principles explained and modeled 
  • Transformative Fundraising: training with real time fundraising example