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Announcing Resource Generation’s New Executive Director: Iimay Ho

 On behalf of the Resource Generation Board of Directors, we are thrilled to announce our unanimous decision to hire Iimay Ho as RG’s new Executive Director. This decision is the culmination of months of work by the board, including consultation with partners, members, and advisors. Thanks to all who helped with the process and spread the word about the position! In this historic moment in RG’s 18-year history, Iimay is the first young person of color with wealth to serve as Executive Director.

Iimay has served for the past two and a half years as RG’s Associate Director, having been a member and leader in RG’s DC Chapter for the year and a half prior. Born and raised in North Carolina, Iimay first became involved in movement work through interning with Southerners on New Ground. She moved to the DC area in 2008 where she led student leadership development for OCA – Asian Pacific Advocates, and later became the Director of Operations and Finance at The Management Center, helping leaders working for social change build and run more effective organizations. She served on the volunteer steering committee of the Rainbow Dragon Fund – a grassroots LGBTQ Asian Pacific American giving circle – and is currently on the board of the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice.

As Associate Director, Iimay has improved RG’s systems and infrastructure to support 13 full-time staff, streamlined roles and program areas, built strong relationships with members and funders, and demonstrated strategic vision and leadership to shape RG into the powerful organization it is today. We have seen the positive impact of Iimay’s strong management skills and ability to articulate RG’s mission to all our constituencies, and know this impact will grow in this new role.

We are thrilled and confident in Iimay taking the helm of RG, especially in this politically tumultuous and uncertain time.

“It has been a pleasure to see all the ways that Iimay has directly improved the work of RG, but even more so her ability to create space for other’s leadership. RG’s mission is more crucial than ever, and I’m sure Iimay will inspire all of us to rise to the challenge.”
-Zeke Spier, Board Co-Chair

“Since coming on board limay has been a strong force behind the strengthening of RG as an organization that is better positioned to support and cultivate the leadership of its members than ever before. I am thrilled that it will be limay who will lead RG and all that we stand for in this new chapter for our movements.  As a leader of a national organization who is a person of color, queer, and child of immigrants, limay’s vision and leadership will be critical in shaping our path as a movement and as an organization “
-Walter Barrientos, Board Co-Chair

“Iimay’s leadership in RG has been shining for years, and I couldn’t be more thrilled or confident to be passing the Executive Director position to her in this moment. Iimay’s unwavering commitment, integrity, and vision for Resource Generation’s work is just what we need in the current socio-political environment.”
-Jessie Spector, outgoing Executive Director.

Iimay’s first day as Executive Director is January 17th, 2017. She will overlap for two weeks with our outgoing ED, Jessie Spector, whose last day at RG is January 31st, 2017.

For those in New York City, we look forward to celebrating Jessie’s tenure and welcoming Iimay’s leadership at our party tonight (please RSVP if you haven’t already!). If you are not able to be at the party, please feel free to send Jessie appreciations at jessie@resourcegeneration.org and Iimay congratulatory notes at

– Walter Barrientos and Zeke Spier, RG Board Co-Chairs


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