graphic introducing resource generation's redistribution story bank

The Redistribution Story Bank is a compilation of stories that show what we mean by transformative redistribution of wealth, land and power. We hope that these short videos, audio interviews, and written blurbs will serve as seeds that spread, turning individual moments into collective action.

We need stories to expand our imagination of what is possible, explain the complexities (messy and beautiful!) of acting on our Redistribution Pledges, and learn from each other and our communities.

We hope that these short videos, audio interviews, and written blurbs will serve as seeds that spread, turning individual moments into collective action.

Nora, RG Staff Member

Redistribution Stories: Nora on Moving Inheritance from Individual to Collective from Robin Bean Crane on Vimeo.
  • Why do you support the Redistribution Pledge and how are you doing with yours so far?
    • The Redistribution Pledge is a powerful tool to collectivize our efforts- my contribution is one small part of our community moving 100M to movements this year. It feels good to be part of a whole! I have pledged to redistribute at least 10% of my assets each year- in 2021 I’ll be at 12%.
  • How would you describe your class background?
    • Top __  percentage?: My family is in the top 10% of the US
    • What is your class identity?: Professional Class
    • Name a couple of “class privilege clues”: Travel to Europe as a teen, no college debt
    • Current Access to net wealth: $60,000
  • Where did the money come from? Briefly describe the source/history of wealth you have access to (family/individually):
    • My family is in the professional class for three generations on my Mom’s side– my Great Grandmother invested her government pension in the stock market.
  • How did you get involved in social justice movements, and how did you get connected with RG? What types of work are you inspired by and/or supporting and why?
    • I was politicized in the environmental justice movement and was drawn in by respect for land and rage at the destruction I witnessed as a result of fracking. The student climate movement taught me about disruption, working in faith-based advocacy showed me the possibility of transforming institutions, and organizing white people to flank the Movement for Black Lives taught me about solidarity, risk, and rigor. As a young person with class privilege, Resource Generation showed me how to be honest with my community and invest in movements like I believe we’ll win.

Andrea, RG Alum

  • Why do you support the Redistribution Pledge and how are you doing with yours so far?
    • I don’t want to hoard resources while the world literally burns. I have met my redistribution goals.
  • How would you describe your class background?
    • Top __  percentage?: 1%
    • What is your class identity?:owning class
    • Name a couple of “class privilege clues: I am very into maximizing my credit card points.  I have an expensive dog.
    • Current Access to net wealth: About 3M in liquid assets
  • Where did the money come from? Briefly describe the source/history of wealth you have access to (family/individually):
    • My dad worked in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
  • How did you get involved in social justice movements, and how did you get connected with RG? What types of work are you inspired by and/or supporting and why?
    • I found RG when they wrote an article in the Huffington Post. I am inspired by organizations such as Viet Lead and Bread and Roses in Philadelphia, which redistributes wealth and decision-making power.

Learn more about Andrea’s redistribution stories below:

1. Finding true security beyond savings (3:48)

2. Being transparent and unrestricted (3:20)

3. Who am I investing in? (1:38)

Marnie Thompson, co-Managing Director of the Fund for Democratic Communities

Learn more about Marnie’s redistribution stories below:

Marnie starting and sunsetting (4:28)
Marnie solidarity economy investing, enoughness, and separating earnings (4:46)

Dan S, Bay Area RG Member