Multiracial Basebuilding

Transforming our world will require a cross-class, multiracial effort. Within the current racial wealth divide, the people holding the majority of wealth in the US are white, Christian, straight, cisgender men. However, that’s never been the majority of who has developed, led and collaborated with RG’s programming. Feminists, queers, people with disabilities, trans and non-binary folks, BIPOC, Jewish and Buddhist people have always found their way to and built RG. We strive to have all levels of the organization – from the smallest chapter to the board – be authentic, reciprocal multiracial spaces. 

RG is a political home for young people of color with wealth and for young white people with wealth. We engage across differences in a shared political project that centers class while recognizing that race and class are inextricably linked. As a base-building organization with a lot of white wealthy members, we believe it is the responsibility of all white members to hold one another accountable to undermining (rather than perpetuating) white supremacy. And, we believe in a world where young leaders of color with wealth are challenging themselves around class. While individual wealth may offer some people of color safety and access to power, it cannot guarantee communal safety from racialized violence by the state, corporations, or the effects of climate change. By taking powerful collective action, we can end extreme and racialized wealth inequality, and move closer to true liberation for all of our communities. 

Some members and staff who are young people of color with wealth have written about their experiences. Examples include Nicole Lewis’ Between a Silver Spoon and the Struggle: Reflections on the Intersection of Racism and Class Privilege, and RG’s current executive director, Yahya, whose story is here. Nationally and locally, we build programs to reinforce our BIPOC leadership and anti-racist politics and practices. Our multiracial base-building programs encompass a range of activities, including anti-racist High Net Wealth Praxis, multiracial spaces for learning skills and story sharing, and campaigns where everyone can participate.